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Melissa Trevor Szusz

Certified Consultant

My Story

Why I do, What I do, and Why I Love Scentsy.1st I'll start with my personal reasons... my stepson is allergic to smoke, and we couldn't use candles in our house.  Aerosol sprays only last so long, as we all know.So when a close friend and now my Director, introduced me to Scentsy, I instantly fell in love.  My house always smells amazing, all of my warmers compliment my decor perfectly, and they make such an awesome gift for any occasion. 2nd is a story that we were excited about, and just had to share. Our friends moved from Windsor to Toronto a few years ago and they had a very beautiful baby girl about a year and a half ago. Well when she was born she had something wrong with her arms she was only born with a 3/4 arm and a 1/4 arm on the other one. She is the most precious little girl in the world and she makes due with what she has and she is so very cute. The day after an amazing Spring Sprint in Toronto, we went to visit our friend before we came home. She loves candles ( had 3 burning in her house when we got there ) and had never heard of Scentsy at all I had mentioned it to her before but she was never able to see it or smell it. So we brought our new little Mollie Buddy to give it to the precious little girl and when we took it out of the box she loved it so much that she grabbed it and gave it the biggest hug ever and that made me cry. We showed her to smell it and she did as well.  So our friend was expecting a baby boy in April and we decided to give her the new butterfly warmer and the yuzu dragon scent with it and she loved it so much she put it out right away and she was so happy. I then told her that all she had to do was to spread the word to her family and friends and we'd hook her up with some more stuff at half price :) ... so this is what she did she posted this onto Facebook --------------------------------------------- "Hey ladies! if you like candles, you'll love Scentsy! My friend introduced me to the products (she sells them) and they are AMAZING!! And for all of you that have little ones, they have adorable little stuffed animals that you put a scent patch into! Avery loves hers ♥ let me know if your interested in checking out the products and ill get you in touch with Melissa :) Mmmmm my house smells delicious! thanks Mel!! What I love most is that the products are beautiful and practical, you buy one and it lasts forever all you have to buy is the fragrances! Unlike a candle, once it burns up your left with just the jar... Its garbage after that. All the warmers and plug ins are electric. The heat from the light bulb warms the wax, just like an oil burner, but with no flame! So its great if you have kids! Totally safe!" The Ah Ha! moment came when I realized that she actually picked up on some of the most amazing traits of Scentsy... 1) Heartfelt... A warmer lasts forever as opposed to one that burns out, and leaves only an empty jar. It makes me proud to be a part of a company that is being built just like the warmers we sell.  2) Outstanding... more than just empty promises. A business that leaves lasting memories with everyone that comes in contact with it. (and yummy scents)  Unique fragrances, that fill there air with lasting memories. On a side note, our friends mom passed away from Cancer over a year ago. When she looked through the new catalogue the 1st scent she came across was Pixie, it happened to be the name they called her mom. It brought a tear to her eye. We let her of course smell all the new spring testers since we had them with us. Pixie was definately one of her favorites even without seeing the label. Just thought I'd share that with you, cause the next time you look at a candle you'll realize that when it burns out, it will become an empty jar, but Scentsy is Forever :)

My Favourite Scents